=== Collapsing Pages ===
Contributors: robfelty
Donate link: http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins
Plugin URI: http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins
Tags: pages, sidebar, widget, menu, navigation
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.0
Stable tag: 0.6.1

This plugin uses Javascript to dynamically expand or collapsable the set of
pages for each parent page.

== Description ==

This is a very simple plugin that uses Javascript to form a collapsable set of
links in the sidebar for the pages. Every page corresponding to a given
parent page will be expanded.

It is largely based off of my Collapsing Pages and Collapsing Archives

= What's new?=

* 0.6.1 (2010.06.21)
    * Removed extraneous debugging info (subpagecount=)

* 0.6 (2010.06.18)
    * Fixed html validation bug when linkToPage is false (thanks to
    * fixed html parsing error in widget (thanks to vbonline)'

== Installation ==

Please deactivate before upgrading, then re-activate the plugin. 

(the only option for pre 2.3 wordpress, unless you have the widget plugin installed)

Unpackage contents to wp-content/plugins/ so that the files are in
a collapsPage directory. Now enable the plugin. To use the plugin,
change the following where appropriate	(most likely sidebar.php):

	 `<?php wp_list_pages(...); ?>`

To something of the following:
  echo "<ul>\n";
	  if( function_exists('collapsPage') ) {
	} else {
  echo "</ul>\n";
You can specify options if you wish. See the options section.

The above will fall back to the WP function for pages if you disable
the plugin.


For those who have widget capabilities, (default in Wordpress 2.3+), installation is easier. 

Unzip contents to wp-content/plugins/ so that the files are in a
collapsing-pages directory.  You must enable the Collapsing Pages plugin,  then
simply go the Presentation > Widgets section and add the Collapsing Pages

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

=  How do I change the style of the collapsing categories lists? =

As of version 0.5.3, there are several default styles that come with
collapsing-categories. You can choose from these in the settings panel, or you
can create your own custom style. A good strategy is to choose a default, then
modify it slightly to your needs. 

The following classes are used:
* collapsing - applied to all ul and li elements
* pages - applied to all ul and li elements
* list - applied to the top-level ul
* item - applied to each li which has no sub-elements
* expand - applied to a page which can be expanded (is currently
* collapse - applied to a page which can be collapsed (is currently
* sym - class for the expanding / collapsing symbol

An example:
<ul id='widget-collapspage-3-collapsPageList' class='collapsing pages list'>
  <li id='about-nav' class='collapsing pages item'><a href='http://blog.robfelty.com/about/' title="About">About</a>
<li id='donate-nav' class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/donate/' title="Donate">Donate</a>
</li> <!-- ending page subcat count = 0-->
<li class='collapsing pages '><span title="Click to collapse"
class='collapsing pages collapse' onclick='expandCollapse(event, "â–¶", "â–¼", 1,
"collapsing pages"); return false'><span class='sym'>â–¼</span></span><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/' title="Wordpress Plugins">Wordpress
     <ul id='collapsPage-67' style='display:block;'>
<li class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/collapsing-archives/' title="Collapsing
Archives">Collapsing Archives</a></li>

<li class='collapsing pages item'><a
title="Collapsing Categories">Collapsing Categories</a></li>
<li class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/collapsing-links/' title="Collapsing
Links">Collapsing Links</a></li>
<li class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/collapsing-pages/' title="Collapsing
Pages">Collapsing Pages</a></li>
<li class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/plugins/postie/' title="Postie">Postie</a></li>
      </ul><!-- subpagecount = 5 ending subpage -->
      </li><!-- subpagecount = 5 ending subpage -->
<li id='forum-nav' class='collapsing pages item'><a
href='http://blog.robfelty.com/forum/' title="WP Plugin Forum">WP Plugin
Forum</a>                  </li> <!-- ending page subcat count = 0-->

= How do I make the current page prominent in the list of pages? =

The current page has the "self" class. By default, the "self" class style is
set to bold. If you would like to change this, you can change it in the
settings page.

== Screenshots ==

1. a few expanded pages with default theme, showing nested pages
2. a few expanded pages with default theme, showing drop down version 

== Options ==
If using the manual version, you can pass options either as an array, or using
the query style, just like for other wordpress functions such as
    'title' => __('Pages', 'collapsing-pages'), 
    'sortOrder'=> 'ASC' ,
    'sort'=> 'pageName' ,
    'defaultExpand'=> '',
    'expand' => 0,
    'depth' =>-1,
    'inExcludePage' => 'exclude',
    'linkToPage' => true,
    'inExcludePages' => '',
    'showPosts' => false,
    'animate' => 0,
    'useCookies' => true,
    'postTitleLength' => 0
    'debug' => false,
* inExcludePage
    * Whether to include or exclude certain pages 
        * 'exclude' (default) 
        * 'include'
* inExcludePages
    * The pages which should be included or excluded
* showPosts
    * Whether or not to include posts as well as pages. Default if false
* linkToPage
    * True, clicking on a parent page title will link to that page (default)
    * False, clicking on a parent page will expand to show sub-pages
* sort
    * How to sort the pages. Possible values:
        * 'pageName' the title of the page (default)
        * 'pageId' the Id of the page
        * 'pageSlug' the url of the page
        * 'menuOrder' custom order specified in the pages settings
* sortOrder
    * Whether pages should be sorted in normal or reverse
      order. Possible values:
        * 'ASC' normal order (a-z 0-9) (default)
        * 'DESC' reverse order (z-a 9-0)  
* expand
    * The symbols to be used to mark expanding and collapsing. Possible values:
        * '0' Triangles (default)
        * '1' + -
        * '2' [+] [-]
        * '3' images (you can upload your own if you wish)
        * '4' custom symbols
* customExpand
    * If you have selected '4' for the expand option, this character will be
      used to mark expandable link categories
* customCollapse
    * If you have selected '4' for the expand option, this character will be
      used to mark collapsible link categories
* postTitleLength
    * Truncate post titles to this number of characters (default: 0 = don't
* animate
    * When set to true, collapsing and expanding will be animated
*   useCookies
    * When true, expanding and collapsing of pages is remembered for each
      visitor. When false, pages are always display collapsed (unless
      explicitly set to auto-expand). Possible values:
         * true (default)
         * false
* debug
    * When set to true, extra debugging information will be displayed in the
      underlying code of your page (but not visible from the browser). Use
      this option if you are having problems

= Examples =

This will produce a list with:
* animation on
* shown in alphabetical order
* using images to mark collapsing and expanding
* exclude page about
== Demo ==

I use this plugin in my blog at http://blog.robfelty.com

== CAVEAT ==

Currently this plugin relies on Javascript to expand and collapse the links.
If a user's browser doesn't support javascript they won't see the links to the
posts, but the links to the pages will still work (which is the default
behavior in wordpress anyways)


= 0.6.1 (2010.06.21) =
* Removed extraneous debugging info (subpagecount=)

= 0.6 (2010.06.18) = 
* Fixed html validation bug when linkToPage is false (thanks to
* fixed html parsing error in widget (thanks to vbonline)'

=  0.5.3 (2010.01.28) =
* Restricted settings page to authorized users
* Fixed bug with manual usage
* Fixed bug with selecting "show posts as well as pages option"
* Fixed bug with wrong page id assigned to self class
* Switched from scriptaculous to jquery. No longer conflicts with plugins
  which use mootools (e.g. featured content gallery)

=  0.5.2 (2009.07.19) =
* Added advanced options section in configuration
* Added option to remember expanding and collapsing for each visitor
  (using cookies)
* Now issuing a correct id for each ul when using widgets 
* Small change in manual installation

=  0.5.1 =
* Fixed menuorder option
* Fixed problem with multiple instances
* Fixed problems with cookies on page load

=  0.5.beta =
* A few more tweaks

=  0.5.alpha =
* Added option to collapse widget
* Compatible with WP 2.8 (not backwards compatible)
* When using manually, can specify settings directly in code
* Changed hide and show classes to collapse and expand to avoid CSS class
* Tweaked default styles

=  0.4.3 (2009/05/06)  =
* Fixed html validation error

=  0.4.2 (2009/04/17) =
* Fixed bug with wrong url to images
* Fixed bug with unicode codes showing up on page load instead of triangles

=  0.4.1 (2009/04/16) =
* Added option for custom symbols

=  0.4 (2009/02/17) =
* totally revised and improved style selecting methods
* fixed settings panel issue
* documentation now internationalized (Bernhard Reiter)
* german localization (Bernhard Reiter)
* Added truncate page title option

=  0.4 (2009/02/17) =
* totally revised and improved style selecting methods
* fixed settings panel issue
* documentation now internationalized (Bernhard Reiter)
* german localization (Bernhard Reiter)
* Added truncate page title option

=  0.3.5 (2009/02/04) =
* Updated internationalization support
* Can now exclude and auto-expand using page slug or ID
* Added option to make clicking on parent page expand sub-pages

=  0.3.4 (2009/01/21) =
* removed debugging info
* fixed settings panel
=  0.3.3 (2009/01/20) =
		* now 'self' class gets attributed to <a> instead of <li>, so it doesn't
		  apply to all subpages when a parent page is selected
* changed 'inline' to 'block', which fixes formatting
		* If current page is a subpage, the parent page is automatically expanded
		  in the list

=  0.3.2 (2009/01/07) =
* added version to javascript file
* not loading unnecessary code for admin pages (fixes interference with
  akismet stats page
* 'self' tag now gets added in subpages

=  0.3.1 (2009/01/06) =
* Finally fixed disappearing widget problem when trying to add to sidebar
* Added debugging option to show the query used and the output
* Moved style option to options page
* tweaked default style some

=  0.3 (2008.12.04) =
* can now use multiple instance of the widget
* can also use manually
* added option to animate expanding
* added more options for expanding characters
* consolidated javascript to share code with other collapsing plugins
* moved inline javascript to footer to speed page load time
* made styling an option (better flexibility and reduce number of http

=  0.2.5 (2008.11.01) =
* fixed bug in that autoExpand was not available to getSubPage

=  0.2.4 (2008.10.28) =
* fixed bug with missing seventh argument to getSubPage when used recursively

=  0.2.3 (2008.07.14) =
* Added option to automatically expand some pages
* Added option to control the number of levels of pages which are expanded
* Added "self" class to pages in list which match the current page. No link
  is made for these. CSS can
  then be used to style these differently

=  0.2.2 (2008.05.23) =
* Re-fixed code so that xhtml validates
* Added option for different expand and collapse icons

=  0.2.1 (2008.05.01) =
* Link now spans the whole dropdown
* Now indicates the presence of an additional submenu (doesn't work in IE 6
  or less)
* fixed html so that it validates correctly

=  0.2 (2008.04.30) =
* Now includes the possibility of providing a drop-down menu of pages and
  sub-pages, instead of a nested list. Only useful for a header navigation 

=  0.1.1 (2008.04.25) =
* Can exclude pages (and sub-pages of those pages)

=  0.1 (2008.04.23): =
	Initial Release