GeoPress Changelog ==================== v2.4.3 [FIXED] Adding a comment to a post no longer removes the location. [CHANGED] geopress_locations_list now works like the wp_list_cats and other template functions and just echos out an
  • v2.4.2 [NEW] Updated to match styling of WordPress 2.5 [CHANGED] Geocoding in the 'Write' does not delete the location name [CHANGED] Slight styling changes on the Write page v2.4.1 [NEW] Maps can be created within Post loops (for archives, search results, etc), use geopress_map(height, width, -1, false, true) - the last true sets $loop_locations [NEW] Post Markers are grouped together by location and put in the bubble text [FIXED] Editing Locations stores appropriate edits and doesn't generate invalid locations anymore v2.4 [NEW] Added GEOPRESS_LOCATION tag in body to set the location of a post - useful when using desktop client or email posting [NEW] Added GPX output [FIXED] The database is properly upgraded now from previous versions [FIXED] INSERT_GEOPRESS_MAP works by showing a marker per post v2.3 [FIXED] Updated the Mapstraction Javascript to work with Safari web browsers and also handle geocoding in GeoPress/MT v2.3 [NEW] Configure the 'default' map style for size, controls, zoom level [NEW] Option to automatically add maps to the end of located posts [NEW] Location pages - use geopress_locations_list() to get a list of links to location pages - or use "?location=Location Name" v2.2 [NEW] Can set locations and embed maps for Pages in addition to Posts v2.1 [NEW] RSS content is now a static image instead of Javascript [FIXED] Bad Javascript caused page to fail loading from last changeset [FIXED] Mapstraction calls are now added to the body onload event. This should fix displaying Microsoft maps in IE [CHANGED] Select map when writing a post should only setCenter, and not change the zoom levels [CHANGED] Map objects are added to a Javascript array [CHANGED] Versioning is now counted from 2.0+