=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: ajturner
Tags: geo, mapping, maps, georss, kml, microformats, mapstraction, google, yahoo, microsoft, openstreetmap, map24, multimap, mapquest, freeearth, spinnyglobe, neogeography
Requires at least: 2.0.0
Tested up to: 2.4
Stable tag: /trunk/
Add maps to your posts or pages, embed Microformat Geo or Adr, and output GeoRSS and KML.
== Description ==
GeoPress adds geographic tagging of your posts and pages. You can enter an address, points on a map, or enter latitude & longitude using the post interface. You can also include the post location within the body itself to make it easy to geotag using emailed posts and desktop clients. Maps can be Google, Microsoft, OpenStreetMap, 3D globe, or any major mapping provider by using the Mapstraction mapping library. Makes your feeds GeoRSS compatible, and also adds KML for viewing in Google Earth.
Most information at: http://georss.org/geopress
== Installation ==
1. Unzip the geopress folder in the zip file to your wordpress plugins directory (wp-content/plugins).
2. Activate the plugin from your admin panel.
3. Register and add your Google or Yahoo Keys in the Options panel
4. Optionally, add http://mapufacture.com/ping/api to your "Update Services" under "Options" -> "Writing"tion which pops up a map and lets you search for the point you want to display. (Itís cool, try it out)
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do i make my RSS feed publish lat/long? =
Make sure "Enable GeoRSS tags in feeds" is checked in the GeoPress options. Everything else is added for you automatically.
= How do i insert a map into my content? =
A: First enter in a location for your post. After that, insert this text "INSERT_MAP" (without the quotes) where you want the image tag for the map included within your post text while editing the post. A map centered at the post's location & with a star showing the location will appear.
== Template Functions Available ==
geopress_map(height, width) :
the_lat_rss() : prints out latitude
the_lat() : returns raw latitude
the_lat_rss() : prints out longitude
the_lon() : returns raw longitude
the_addr_rss(): prints out Address
the_addr() : return raw address
ymap_post_url(): returns a link to maps (flash based) page centered at the location for the post
ymap_blog_url(type): returns a link to maps (old v1) page overlaying the locations of the blog entries. This assumes that you have enabled your rss feed with lat/long. the type can be 'rss2_url' for rss2 feed, 'rss_url' for rss 0.92 feed.